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We want to thank Mark Aspery, and his lovely wife Nancy, for taking time out of their busy schedule to come to Chappapeela Crafts as our featured demonstrator for our first conference.  We really loved it! 

mark aspery fire poker.jpg
Mark Aspery 2023 Fall Conference Demonstrator Chappapeela Crafts

Mark Aspery has been forging professionally for over 30 years and has become one of the most well known teachers of the craft. Often focusing on the tools that need to be made to make the project, his classes go beyond a simple how-to. He has published multiple books and videos that are filled with suitable projects for smiths of all skill levels. 

2023 Fall Conference
hosted by Chappapeela Crafts

Featured Demonstrator 


Mark Aspery


September 30th & October 1st, 2023 


Registration and Entry Fees are in person on the day of the event.

$60 Entry Fee for both days

$50 Entry Fee for one day

includes lunch and drinks


Schedule of Events


Saturday, September 30th

7:00 am | Registration begins

9:00 am - 12:00 pm |  Mark Aspery morning demonstration

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm  |  Lunch 

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm  |  Mark Aspery afternoon demonstration

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm  |  Toolbox Raffle and Live Auction

5:00 pm - until  |  Dinner and forging competition


Sunday, October 1st

7:00 am  |  Registration begins

9:00 am - 12:00 pm  |  Mark Aspery morning demonstration

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm  |  Lunch 

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm  |  Mark Aspery afternoon demonstration

3:00 pm  |  End of Conference


Tailgators are welcome.  Please contact us to reserve a spot. 



We encourage all LAMA and GCBA Members to donate finished hand made metal art or functional metal items for the auction. 

All donations will be very much appreciated.  This is a charity event to support both non profit organizations so please bid generously. 

Funds collected during the Auction and from the entry fee will be divided between GCBA and LAMA to be used for furthering the missions of both non profit organizations furthering the art and craft of blacksmithing through education and scholarships.




Wednesday, September 27th & Thursday September 28th

Mark Aspery will teach two separate full day workshops prior to the Conference while he is in town. There has never been a better chance to learn from one of the world's leading blacksmithing instructors.

$150 per person per class. 


Wednesday September 27th    8:30-4:30 pm

Lunch/drinks provided   |  Limit 10 students   |   Click the following link to register:

Hand Tools Class


Thursday September 28th     8:30am-4:30 pm

Lunch/drinks provided   |  Limit 10 students   |   Click the following link to register:

Forge Welding & Basket Handle Fire Poker Class


You can learn more about GCBA and LAMA, both Louisiana 501(c)3 non-profit organizations here:


Gulf Coast Blacksmithing Association (GCBA) 


Louisiana Metalsmith's Association (LAMA)


You can find more information about Mark Aspery as well as order his series of books on his website and plenty of educational how to videos on his YouTube channel.


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